We are entering an exciting year of Faith Formation with concentrated coordination of the elementary aged students by Tara Corcoran and the Junior and Senior High students by Lee Maleno. With each of them dividing the work I am sure we will have a dynamic year ahead. Pam and I will spend coordinated effort on on-going Formation for the larger community working with the message shapers; the weekly homily series and the materials for small groups. We continue to focus on “one Church, one Message.”
All this is possible through the shared ministry efforts of all those who step forward to work with each age group and as group leaders for the adult sessions so that we can be life-long-learners. Walking together in ministry assists with faith formation and sacramental preparation that is so essential to our lives as a Catholic Community.
We are all doing our part to assist in faith growth and development here at Sacred Heart. The rest is up to you as individuals and families of faith. Registering for programs and small groups is important and all this can be done on line, so don’t hold back. When you are at Mass, don’t forget to bring your notebook and write down any thoughts you have regarding your moment closest to Christ, ideas that you need to ponder more, questions that you may a deeper understanding; and moments that moved you or touched you in a spiritual manner.
As I have encouraged many times before through the inspiration of Theologian Karl Barth, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” Take the time to read the scriptures for the following week; before coming to weekend Mass. Come prepared to make the faith journey together as we unpack the Word of God. As you know there are many challenges facing our Church right now. We need to remember; “When things fall apart, we come together.” Let the Word of God be the compass that directs our steps along the faith journey of life.
Thanks to Ernie Chaplin for organizing the clean up around the church. 10 adults, moms and dads along with four teenage boys and 8-10 cub scouts worked together to make many improvements of the landscaping around the church. Thank you to all of them for their volunteer ministry to the church.
Yes, we are entering an exciting year of Faith Formation. Don’t let it slip by without you, jump in and grow in wisdom, grace and mercy before God and or community.