We have celebrated three major feast days in our liturgical calendar; Pentecost, Trinity, and Corpus Christi. Now we enter into a time that is mistranslated from the Latin to English that we call “Ordinary Time.” In English “ordinary” is something that has no special quality or interest; commonplace, unexceptional. This is an improper translation by someone who doesn’t understand our English language. We should be correctly calling this “Ordinal Time.” This comes from the Latin “ordo” meaning order, and those who are math students will remember ordinal numbers are counting sequentially; first, second third…so this is really the Tenth Sunday of Ordinal Time.
As we journey through these Sundays we will be unpacking the Gospel of Mark and deepening our call to Discipleship through his eyes. The homily series is called, “Stay Focused” as we stay focused on God’s Word, through the memory of Mark and all that he recalled of the life of Jesus. May this journey assist us all in becoming the best version of ourselves in the months ahead. This is hardly ordinary!
Again I wish to bring to your attention the two adult and two youth at-large position on the Pastoral Planning Team. We are accepting nominations until June 27th. This is the decision-making body of our parish where wisdom is shared and the direction of the parish is nailed down as we continue to grow our Catholic Community. If you would like to self-nominate, please fill our one of the slips found in the pews or at the doors. If you believe someone would bring wisdom to the table, approach them and ask if they would consider your nomination of them. I must say, those who have served are all amazed at how much work goes into the behind the scenes working of a Catholic Community, especially as a lay drive parish. As Pope Francis has said, “This is the time in the Church when the laity are to be fully involved in moving the Church forward through the winds of the Holy Spirit.” We all have a role in raising up our leadership here at Sacred Heart.