Jesus was a traveling preacher, going from town to town and village to village in Israel teaching and healing. His ‘wandering heart” is our theme this month of July. I am hoping that during these summer months we may take the time to figure out our faith story and desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, church and community. I have a few areas for all to review.
As Catholics we are a Sacramental people. Some of us have yet to receive all of our sacraments. It you or anyone in your household has not been baptized or have been baptized but not received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation be in touch and we can help you become fully initiated in our Catholic faith. Deacon Tom will be preparing adults for these sacraments.
If you are not Catholic and would like to join us on our Catholic faith through R.C.I.A. (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) let’s get you started.
Some of you may have been married by a Justice of the Peace, or other Civil service, but have not received the Sacrament of Matrimony. I am more than happy to sit down with you both and help you have your marriage blessed. If anyone needs more information regarding the Annulment process, please get in touch with me.
We have been talking about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Deepening that relationship is so very important. It is something we cannot do on our own. Jesus worked with the twelve disciples and what a challenge it was for them to understand and grow in that relationship. Are you called to the “Alpha Journey?” We will begin Alpha on September 9th. Put it on your calendar to give it a try. The first three sessions are introductory and will give you an idea whether you would like to complete the whole program. We start each session with dinner and time to build community, getting to know one another.
Many of us have a wandering heart. Our journey is not polished or linear or perfect, but we are always tethered to the love of God. There is never only one way to make the faith journey. May the seeds of this letter encourage your “Wandering Heart” to be accompanied on the faith journey by stepping into the shoes of Jesus.
Feel free to pass this letter on to people who may need encouragement in their faith!