While we were the final stretch of the Advent Season, from December 23rd into the Christmas Season until December 31st; there was a great deal of behind the scenes work provided to our parish from our Chancery office to make sure we had a signed contract with TeamSolar for our Solar panel contract. Thanks to the efforts of Fr. Richard Reidy, Peter Dawson (contract lawyer), Peter Dunbeck (Environmental Stewardship Coordinator), and Bishop McManus we have a contract in place. Once the panels are up and running this will provide more than $140,000.00 of income to our parish over a 20-year period.
There are several steps that we will take before installation begins. We need to make sure that it is clear to everyone that our parking lot is for church use only and not a public parking space; there will be signs indicating that. We will also move our existing transformer away from the building. Eventually our parking lot will be one-way entry at the entrance near the railroad bridge and exit will be near the Parish House.
You will be receiving a letter from me inviting you to contribute to the annual Partners in Charity Appeal. We are doing this earlier than usual as we are participating in Tier 3 of the Diocesan “Legacy of Hope” Capital Campaign that will begin shortly after Partners. I will be needing assistance from many of you not only in contributing to meet our target of $335,199.00 ($138,080.00 of which will be our parish share when we make our target); but also, in conducting the campaign itself.
On another note, Kevin Maldarelli, Larry Bonetti and Todd Miller are going to be attending the Environmental Stewardship Roundtable Meeting on the 22nd at St. Dennis parish in Douglas from 7:00-8:30 P.M. if anyone world like to join them please let the office know.
I know that I have shared much of this information with you in the past, but I want to make sure it is on your radar as things unfold so there are no surprises. There are many things happening in the months ahead, but I know that if we all work together this will all fit into place.