The original Latin origin of the word “summoned” means to “give a hint.” I hope as we make the “Wandering Hearts” journey we have heard the Alpha invitation hints throughout Mass homilies, videos, prayers, and bulletin announcements. More information is to come. Many of you have visited the alpha USA website. I am sure you have more questions, so after both Masses this weekend, members of the Alpha Team will be available to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, if you have any interest in deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ and any interest in Alpha please fill out the interest/registration form for Alpha found at this link. A QR code, to scan for the link is also available in this weeks bulletin, as well as paper copies of the form for those who prefer them.
Along with registration for Alpha, be reminded that we are now accepting registrations for Faith Formation. Use the following link to do so: or go to our website and click on Faith Formation.
I wish to thank all of you who took the supply slips for Vacation Bible School. Please bring your donations to Mass this weekend and place them near the table in the vestibule (front entrance of the church). It’s not too late to participate in VBS. Any children ages 3-completed grade 4 can join us at 9:00 A.M. to noon Monday through Friday July 22-26. A thank you to Tara Corcoran, Kelly Barrett and all the volunteers who make this possible. More on the volunteers to come!
Let’s pray for great weather throughout this week as our young people deepen their faith and relationship to Jesus Christ!