As the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart we offer several opportunities throughout the year for people to meet one another outside of Mass. This helps us to deepen our bonds as a people of God, support each other intergenerationally and strengthen our faith community.
The Annual Harvest Fest will be held on Saturday October 13th which gives us a chance to not only enjoy good food and each other’s company, but we also have a chance to share our bounty with those who are needy in our community by inviting people to bring in non-perishable food items as we “Fill-a-Ford” to assist the students in neighboring schools who are in need of breakfast foods and meals when school is not in session. We will collect food all weekend long; the Ford will be at the front of the church so you can help to celebrate the many blessings you have in your own life by sharing with those in need.
October is also time for our Annual Stewardship Renewal where we take stock of our time, talent, and treasure and pledge to share all three with our community in the year ahead. As Catholics we gather each weekend to “keep holy the Sabbath” which begins at 4:00 P.M. on Saturday and ends at 4:00 P.M. on Sunday. We offer our “time” to be strengthened by the Word of God and the Bread of Life in the Eucharist. We share of our “talent” by being involved in ministry. All registered households will receive our Ministry Catalogue on ways that each member of your family can be involved in service to the community. And of course we need to pay our bills, utilities, staff salaries, upkeep of the campus properties takes all of us sharing of our “treasure” so that we are able to continue our valuable presence in our community.
Over these past five years many people contributed to our Capital Campaign to “Make God’s House a Home.” We will gather with Bishop McManus on May 4th 2019 to celebrate and dedicate the work we accomplished over the years at a Gala event to be held at the Crystal Room in Milford following the 4:00P.M. Mass. I am encouraging everyone to get their tickets soon so that you are able to participate in this wonderful family celebration of who we are as the Catholic Community of Hopedale.
We have many opportunities to build and grow our Catholic Community here is Hopedale. I am hoping that you and your family with jump in and be involved in our communion union one with another.