Dear Fellow Parishioners, For some reason I have been paying more attention to my relationships with other people, especially family members. I find that it is ironic that sometimes we may know least the people in our very own family. Oh, we know about them, or think we know them, but do we ever let ourselves be fully known. Do we take the time to listen to the stories we hold inside, or are we too busy to even pay attention to the meaning of life, and God’s purpose for placing us here on this earth? Do we ever thank God for our relationships and friendships? One of my favorite scripture passages on relationships is from the book of Sirach: “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds it finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life- saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; for he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself.” Sirach 6:5-17 I am beginning to realize that the reason I am paying more attention to relationships is rooted in the Alpha journey I made this past Lent. Being with a group of people that are addressing the deeper questions of life helped me to focus on my relationship with Jesus Christ and the people with whom I make this life journey. As we move into the summer months our Alpha Team will be reaching out to see who is interested in knowing more about Alpha and who is interested in making the Alpha journey beginning in the Fall. We will also hold Alpha info sessions for you to bring your questions about the Alpha journey. In the meantime, take a look at May we all develop and find a faithful friend and sturdy shelter in our relationship with Jesus Christ and our community of faith. Fr. Bill