Dear Fellow Parishioners, As we celebrate the Forth Sunday of Lent our journey is more than half over. It has been traditionally called Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday. This weekend I will be wearing pink vestments to encourage us to remain steadfast on our journey of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (acts of charity). It is a good time to take a look of how we are doing on this 40-day journey. We are asked to give equal attention to the three areas of our journey and recognize that we are on this same journey with Catholics throughout the world, and many Christian denominations who are also on the journey with us. This weekend I will be focusing on Almsgiving as we hold our in-pew solicitation for the Annual Diocesan Partners in Charity appeal. Our Goal to assist in the works of Charity, Education and Ministry in the Diocese of Worcester is $43,200.00. I wish to thank all of you who have already contributed to Partners. As of this writing we are at 34% of our goal with $14,700.00 pledged from our parish. As the years pass, the numbers of donors have decreased. This should be of concern to us all. I want us to remain a vibrant community, not only meeting our own parish responsibilities, but also assisting in the works and needs of our larger Diocesan family. I am asking us all to assist supporting the work of our Catholic presence here in Worcester County. If you can only make a onetime gift of $20.00-please fill out the envelope with me this weekend and make that donation. If you can afford to make a $100.00 pledge and give $10.00 per month over a 10-month period, please do. No matter the size of your donation everyone contributing helps us to reach out and touch the lives of so many people. As we celebrate this Laetare Sunday, we have many reasons to “rejoice” in the blessings we have received. May we be willing to share with those who are the least, last and lost as we strive to live out the gospel message. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! (Phil. 4:4) Fr. Bill