Our safety, health and patience are most important as we tread carefully to begin joining together as a community of faith in the weeks ahead. Guidelines have been prepared for us by state and Diocesan Officials. It is up to us on the local level to follow them as our facilities and staffing allow. It takes time to ready the church; making sure everything is clean and the pews are marked so people can be directed where to be seated. Even though the directives state we can open at 40% of our capacity, that number does not at all allow for proper social distancing. We will only be able to safely accommodate 20-25% of our seating capacity.
As we prepare the church for opening this weekend May 23 and 24, we are carefully following the guidelines from the Diocese. Pam and I have measured 6’ in every direction and have marked the pews as to where people can sit safely. I am asking you to please cooperate with the greeters and ushers as they seat you in the proper places. Everyone entering the church must be wearing a mask; there will be no exceptions. Those of us in liturgical roles will be masked when interfacing with you at communion time. Deacon Tom and I will distribute communion. The Ushers will give you a dab of hand sanitizer before you go for communion. The middle aisle is marked with blue tape six feet apart please respect social distancing. When you come for communion, please receive in the hand move six feet away and remove your mask to consume the Body of Christ.
For the next three weeks we will celebrate two Masses, one on Saturday at 4:00 P.M. and one Sunday morning at 8:30 A.M. The 8:30AM will be live streamed. If on the weekend of June 13 and 14 we have had no health problems, and we need space for more people at Mass I will add another Mass.
If after three weeks of safely gathering, we will start scheduling sacraments for our three RCIA candidates; followed by First Communions, then baptisms which will be done privately. We will be in touch with each family for Memorial Masses in the order that their loved ones passed. Unfortunately, at this time families will not be able to gather in the hall for a reception following the funeral Mass.
All that we are doing takes time to calculate and follow the direction of state and diocesan officials. Everything is subject to change at any time. We will send out Flock notes and update our website and Facebook page when there are any last-minute changes.
Remember, our safety and health are most important as we tread carefully to begin joining together as a community of faith in the weeks ahead. Your patience is greatly needed and appreciated.