First, sincere thanks to Pam for writing the last two bulletin letters while I walked with my family as we prayed our goodbyes to Marie. This gave me an opportunity to be present with Marie, my family and my own sadness and grief as I prayed farewell to a woman who entered our family 62 years ago. I served our Diocese as a missionary in Haiti for seven years. Each month during that time Marie wrote to me twice a month. What wonderful support she provided me when I was away from home, without electricity, speaking a different language, making the journey with people in misery, helping them to move to the level of poverty with dignity. Her support and visits helped me to focus on the ministry God called me to.
This Advent Season I have been meditating on the words attributed to St. Ignatios of Loyola, “Pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on you!” As I have mentioned before, my journey through Alpha completely changed the way I pray. In seminary I was taught to read prayers and memorize prayers. Now I am really following the instructions put forth by St. Ignatius and praying as if everything depends upon God.
I have heard clearly that God’s vision for our parish is “Enabling all to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” So many, including members of my own family, have walked away from their faith journey and parish life. When I started to ask why, I realized that through all the classes in Faith Formation and Catholic School education they never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Even some of those who go to church weekly admitted that this was the case.
I know God wants us to make a cultural change here in our community. To move from being “practicing Catholics” to a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So, I am asking each one of us to enter into a spirit of prayer, listening to God’s invitation to you to meet Jesus Christ in a personal way. Not to simply know about Jesus in your head but meeting Him in the depths of your heart! Alpha is the process we are inviting you to as we grow in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.