Dear Fellow Parishioners, There are lots of moving parts to parish life and community life. Imagine what challenges there are in keeping your family healthy and together; then multiply that by the 550+ families we have here at Sacred Heart. Believe me, it is a real challenge. I addressed finances last week, and that is simply one rung of the ladder. For us to function as a healthy, vibrant community of faith we all must do our part. I am just thinking of the challenges we had as a family of nine living in a home with one bathroom. Everyone was required to be involved in making sure everything was accomplished. We had to work together, or all would fall apart, or on the shoulders of a few. The few then get burnt out and households spiral into turmoil. The decision-making body of our parish is our Pastoral Planning Team (PPT). Some parishes have a Parish Council, gathered to advise the pastor who makes the final decision. I believe we are in partnership as a community of faith. You are responsible for your parish. I am responsible and was ordained for prayer and the ministry of the sacraments. We have one at-large three-year position open on the PPT for an adult and two teen at-large one-year positions. Everyone thinks someone else will take care of it. We are looking for people to serve on each of the Parish-life teams. Do you have wisdom to offer in any of these areas: Finance, Stewardship, Community Outreach, Faith Formation, Worship, Buildings and Grounds, Operations? In this bulletin are descriptions of each of these areas. We need many to come forward to assist in the strengthening and passing on of our faith. If several people take responsibility for this important ministry, as in any household and family, it all gets done. Growing up it was impressed on each of us that we needed to be good Catholics and good citizens. It was necessary to be involved in ministry at church and involved in the community at large. I am asking all members of our community to seriously consider where they can contribute to our faith community. To climb the ladder of success and be a vibrant parish, it takes all of us to pool our gifts, skills, and talents so we become the community God wants us to be.