Dear Fellow Parishioners,
When you come to church this weekend look for the flyer at the end of each pew describing Parish Life Teams. It describes the plan for each one of ministries that the Pastoral Planning Team (PPT) has been preparing for the last several months at our monthly meetings. I am extremely pleased with the work that has been accomplished not only through dialogue and meeting, but also prayer and reflection.
I am asking you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute your enthusiasm, wisdom and energy in one of the areas of ministry in service to our parish. We have 5 areas of ministry: Community Engagement, Faith formation, Operations, Stewardship and Worship. Where does your heart lie? We are looking for eight people to serve on each of these ministry teams. The leasers of each ministry are in the flyer along with their contact information. Feel free to contact them and meet with them to find out more about the direction each ministry will take in the future.
Please take a flyer home with you and reflect on how you can contribute to the future direction of our parish ministries. Each ministry team will meet on the second Monday of each month in the parish center. A room will be designated for each ministry. Individual meetings will be from 7:00 P.M. to 8:40 P.M. after which we will gather in the hall to pray, hear reports from each ministry and share wisdom and insights with the group at large.
All this work opens the circle of involvement for all in the parish to pool gifts, skills and talents so that our ministry becomes the “work of the people” Pope Francis expresses as he calls be witnesses to our faith in Jesus Christ. Our work together will also empower us to be witnesses to our parish mission “Becoming and making disciples; welcoming all to follow Jesus Christ.”
Through well-formed ministry teams we will empower our whole community to reach out to those who for some reason have distanced themselves from faith and our faith community. We have our work cut out for us; but together all things are possible.
Fr. Bill