At the end of last summer, the original air conditioning units (there are three) in the parish center breathed their last. With your continued support and contributions to our Endowment Fund we were able to ask the Operations Team to spring into action and get us up and running without seeking funds for this $30,000.00 project. The buildings and ground team sought three bids (required by the diocese for all projects over $10,000.00) and after careful examination of those bids they recommended that we have the installation done by All-Temp Systems Mechanical, Inc. of Milford.
The Pastoral Planning Team accepted their proposal and the recommendation of our Buildings and Grounds Team were submitted to the Diocesan Building Commission for approval. (Long process) This past week the work crew from All-Temp installed our new air-conditioning units and we are up and running. I wish to thank all those who serve on the Operations Team, Buildings and Grounds and Pastoral Planning Team for their wisdom and guidance in making these major capital repairs possible. We all need to remember, it is every single dollar that you donate to our parish that helps us continue to be up and running as we are. May we continue to value all our financial (treasure) and wisdom (talent) contributions to the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart.
One of the air-conditioning units is in our parish Thrift Shop. We want to expand our services to the community by opening the Thrift Shop on Saturdays throughout the year. To do so, we need people not only to open and close the shop on Saturday’s from 10:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M (you need not work all four hours) but also people to sort items and shelve them, during the week. We also need parishioners to remember when they are thinning their clothing and small household items to donate them to our Thrift Shop. One dream we have is to have a regular Parish Yard Sale where we can pool our items on a regular basis to make sure that items get to those in need. This takes a willingness on your part to be willing to offer your time and talent in this area. Joyce Konicki is the Thrift Shop manager. To find out more details on how you can help email her at
[email protected] or contact the parish office.