Dear Fellow Parishioners, We are making every attempt to pass on our faith and deepen our understanding of faith through our Faith formation programs and sacramental preparation. I am pleased with the efforts we are making with those of you who are assisting in these areas as we try to navigate learning and formation during covid-19. Many of our Faith Formation programs are aimed at the youth of our parish. Today I would like to speak to adults who may be interested in becoming Catholic, or wish to complete their Sacraments of Initiation, and or Sacramental Marriage. Life happens and some have been baptized Catholic and never had a chance or were not ready to receive their First Communion and or Confirmation. If you are ready at this time you are invited to enter the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). If you are non-Catholic and interested in becoming Catholic, you too are invited to participate in RCIA. Deacon Tom Tierney will set a schedule with all those who are interested so that you can receive these sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. We just need to know who you are, and we will get you started. I am available to assist any couples who were civilly married and have a desire to have their marriage blessed. The Sacrament of Matrimony is inviting the presence of Christ and the community into your relationship and supporting you both in a life-long commitment surrounded by the encouragement and support of our Catholic Community. It is never too late to fully enter into the sacramental life of our Catholic Community. When you are ready please contact us and we will be happy to make the faith journey with you and support you in receiving the life-giving sacramental graces bestowed on us through our faith community. Fr. Bill