Dear Fellow Parishioners, I am writing while sitting in Milford District Court waiting to be a character witness. I know only one side of this man’s story and can’t imagine how anyone in Hopedale/Milford or Massachusetts, or the U.S. feels to be in these circumstances. Is this Justice? Is this mercy and compassion? As I look around the courtroom there are people here for various reasons- different races and languages all because they made mistakes. I keep telling myself-this is democracy and justice in action. My heart is looking through the eyes of one specific person and his personal story. We each have a story, some have people to listen to that story, some don’t. I have no idea if my presence here means anything. I have no idea what to say or what difference anything I have to say will make; If I am even allowed to speak. I do know it matters a great deal to the person I am here for. I know he’ll be happy to see me when he comes upstairs from his holding cell. Why am I here? The ministry of presence. It helps me to understand what it meant for John and Mary to be at the foot of the cross of Jesus. There wasn’t anything they could do or say to change the situation or ease the pain. But 2000 years late it is still remembered, reflected on and yes, it still matters. Presence is a gift, a ministry, we are all called to be present as witnesses to the Gospel, to justice- to that which is right and good. My friend came upstairs from his holding cell. He was moved to tears when he saw me. The judge was told in chambers I was there to speak on his behalf. I didn’t need to speak; my presence was enough to give this one man a second chance. Next, we will work together to pick up the pieces. Whose hand is reaching out for your presence? Grab it and walk together in faith! Fr. Bill |