Dear Fellow Parishioners, The most important ingredient and principle of planning is to allow those you are planning to be involved in the planning process. I have always kept that principle in mind throughout my priesthood. That is why we held a Parish Synod here at Sacred Heart shortly after I arrived over 20 years ago. As we shared wisdom together, we made many decisions that shaped the last 20 years of our parish. Those were challenging times because some parishioners were opposed to any change taking place in the parish. Churches, not just Catholic parishes have been experiencing gradual changes and membership decline for many years, but the Covid pandemic exacerbated the situation to a very noticeable level. That is why I am asking us to come together as a community this Monday September 25th at 7:00 P.M. to put our heads together and decide how our parish will move from maintenance to mission. As you know, many parishes, churches, and businesses in our Diocese and throughout the U.S. have simply tossed in the towel and closed their doors. That does not need to be the case and our reality. So again, I am inviting us all to gather to share wisdom and shape the next 20 years and beyond for our parish. In case you missed the focus questions for our work here they are again: 1. What is the thing that delights you the most about our parish? 2. What is your holy discontent? (What is it about Church/ church that is unsettling to you?) 3. Who could be members of a vision team for our parish? 4. What can we do to raise the visibility of the Parish in town to involve other town residents currently not members of our Parish? If you need a ride, or any other assistance in order to join us for this meeting, please call the office and we will do what we can to make your presence possible. Childcare will be available here in the hall. Let’s put our heads together and move forward as the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart! Fr. Bill