Dear Fellow Parishioners, I am sure we all have had an earworm from time to time; you know a catchy song or tune that runs continually through your mind. I always went wild when I had an earworm, until I had a spiritual director that told me to pay attention to the message given you by an earworm. This week the song “Slow Down” has invaded by mind and what a message it is for all of us as we stand on the threshold of Lent. As I reflect on the idea of slowing down, I think of Jesus walking with the disciples on the way to Emmaus who are so overcome with grief that they do not recognize it is Jesus until they sit down at table and break bread together. Pope Francis is asking us to walk together and talk together about rethinking Church through the Synod on Synodality. I am hoping that all of us will take part in answering the questions available in our Diocesan survey at this link: Please take the time to also look at the web site explaining the background of the synod at: After communion each week during Lent we will be praying the Synodality prayer that Pope Francis has prepared, asking the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our efforts to walk together as people of God. This same prayer will be raised up in all the languages throughout the world as a sign of solidarity in seeking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. As we gather on Ash Wednesday everyone will be receiving a Lenten bracelet to remind us of the journey we make as a Catholic Community. Our theme: “To Be or Not to Be CHURCH.” The length of the pandemic has taken a physical, mental, and spiritual toll on many of us. Many have lost touch with their spirituality during the pandemic. Many are still uncomfortable attending Mass in person. Many are frustrated. Lent is a good time to reflect and reconnect. For the five weeks before Holy Week we will look at five aspects of our pandemic journey: Isolation, Transformation-The Good, the Bad and the ugly; Re-Set; Homecoming; and Drop the Rocks. Let’s all make the commitment to “Slow Down” and join in the journey together as The Catholic Community of Sacred Heart along with the many members of our Diocesan Family and the Church Universal. Fr. Bill