Dear Fellow Parishioners, I wish to thank everyone who has contributed to Haitian earthquake relief. We are going to be sending Fr. Elysee, the pastor of our sister Parish St. Gerard the $5,000.00+ we have collected. Elli Maurais has been in touch with Fr. Elysse who informed that the immediate need right now besides rebuilding homes is to get the children back in school so that they are not losing valuable education time. So, the money we are sending will be used for school fees, to buy school materials and students' uniforms and food.
In the meantime, right here in Massachusetts over a hundred Haitian families have arrived from the Del Rio border and need assistance. I have been in touch with Dr. Geralde V. Gabeau who is overseeing the placement and the needs of these families. I am in the process of hosting a family temporarily in my home. If you are interested and able to host an individual or a family, please let me know and I can get you the details.
We will be partnering with Dr. Gabeau’s organization to collect the needed items for these Haitian families as well as for people in Haiti. Sunday, October 31st is our service Sunday for this month. We will be collecting items noted in the bulletin and on our website to be sent to these families and to Haiti. Feel free to check out the website for Immigration Family Services Institute
For almost twenty years we have been on a journey with the people of St. Gerard’s. We are unable to visit at this time, but we can assist as much as we can from the many blessings we have all received. Again, I thank you all for the generous ways you contribute to all those in need.