Dear Fellow Companions on the Journey!
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together!”
Life is hard and very challenging. Because it is, we have the wonderful gift of Lent where we can go deeper into our spiritual lives and cling to our relationship to Jesus Christ. Often we move fast through life and miss the many ways we can lighten the load. Lent has just begun; it is one week old. How are you doing with the journey? Are you traveling alone? Or do you have companions on the journey? It is never too late to take the risk and join a small sharing group within the parish. It’s not too late to start your own group in your household or among your friends. We have the resources available.
When’s the last time you took advantage of the sacrament of confession? What is keeping you away from the wonderful gift of forgiveness and God’s mercy? I am available every Monday night during Lent from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. in the Reconciliation Room. Why not take the risk and be untied and set free from the things that are weighing you down? Why not hear someone with skin on offer the gift of forgiveness? If not now, when? If Monday night is not convenient, come Saturday from 3:00-3:45 P.M. or call for an appointment. Want to talk to another priest, find out the times in neighboring parishes, but don’t stay away any longer.
When’s the last time you prayed the Stations of the Cross? Have you reflected on your own “Agony in the Garden” and asked Jesus to help you get up each time you fall due to the weight of your own life crosses? The church is open for the journey, or if you are available; join us Wednesday morning at 11:30 A.M. for communal stations. Sacred Heart, Milford has communal stations each Friday during Lent at 7:00 P. M. There are station books to use at the front door if you come on your own.
When’s the last time you went to daily Mass? We gather at 9:00 A.M. but daily Mass times are offered at nearby parishes. Check it out. When’s the last time you sat quietly by yourself in the church or kneeling at the tabernacle and just let God love you? Give yourself the great gift of God’s loving presence; come on take care of yourself spiritually and your will be amazed at how that spiritual care will spread to physical and mental health at the same time!
When’s the last time you shared a meal with others, and had a chance to share the Lenten journey. Take advantage of the weekly Lenten Suppers as listed in the bulletin. Don’t go it alone. It’s up to you to take a step forward.
Life is very challenging and sometimes we rush through it. “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together!” Take advantage of the opportunity Lent offers for support on the journey of life.
Fr. Bill