I have a subscription to “America” magazine, a Jesuit publication. In the March issue they invited readers to share what they were doing for Lent 2021. Several were relaxing their Lenten practices due to Covid-19 expressing as I have in a past letter, that we have really been in a year-long Lent since the pandemic hit our nation. However, Letitia Roddy wrote, “How about this: I’m not giving up. In spite of everything I am not giving up.!” So often during the past year I have heard so many ready to toss in the towel. “This is too much!” “I can’t take this much longer!” “I miss my grandchildren and children so much; I think I’ll just take the risk and visit.” I have also heard the stories of those who just decided not to be cautious, and very sorry that they didn’t continue to practice the guidelines set in place. Friends in Milan, Italy thought everything was ok, and they are now on lockdown again.
We can make it through, there is light at the end of the tunnel if we just stay the course and NOT give up. Isolation and loneliness can be overwhelming and in desperation we lower our guard. This is why I have asked several parishioners to make wellness calls to many of our older parishioners on a monthly basis to make sure that everyone has what they need and a person they can call just to talk. We are going to also begin contacting some of our young families with children who may also be overwhelmed with remote schooling and working from home. This is a tough road and a long haul for all of us. If anyone would like to assist in making calls of support and encouragement, please let Tina Buckley know and we will give you ten people to contact and the message we are sending. In the beginning I was trying to contact everyone, and with death and illness in my own family and Fr. Charlie’s death I too, am overwhelmed and needed to ask for help. Bottom line—I am hoping that for Lent and for Easter Season we will all be giving up “Not giving up!” Fr. Bill