Dear Parish Family:
On this Feast of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, I wish to thank you for truly being the Body of Christ as a community of faith! I thank you for your continued generosity to the parish as we not only take care of our own parish needs. I am even more thankful for your continued generosity in looking beyond our own parish boundaries to meet the needs of our Diocesan family in not only carrying our share of Partners in Charity, but exceeding our goal. (See Thank you letter from Bishop McManus also in this bulletin).
This feast reminds us that when we receive the Body of Christ, and in our sharing of this one bread and one cup; we become the body of Christ. We are a community of faith that pools its gifts, skills and talents; time, talent and treasure as did the Christian community of the early church. How proud we should all be of our willingness to walk the talk and together be faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ.
On top of our generosity to our own parish and our diocesan family we also assisted the Xavierian Missioners in the wonderful work that Fr. Tony and Fr. Carl shared with us last weekend. If you were not able to contribute to the work of the Xavierian Missioners last week, feel free to put a donation in the collection basket in an envelope marked Xavierian Missioners.
This Sunday also begins Father’s Day Week! We will have a special blessing for all fathers at each of the weekend Masses. We ask God’s blessings too on all fathers who have died; that they may be welcomed to the banquet in heaven.
Happy Feast Day, Happy Father’s Day Week!
Fr. Bill