Christmas Season has come to an end and we enter several weeks of Ordinary (numbered) Time before the Season of Lent begins. Here at Sacred Heart we will also enter into “FLU MODE” as we gather for worship until Holy Week which begins April 13th. A reminder of Flu Mode precautions— We will not be sharing the communion cups, and if I remember we will only hold hands and shake hands with people from our own household. I would also ask that everyone please receive the Body of Christ in the hand. We want to keep everyone as healthy as possible during this flu season. I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
Our annual parish retreat for teens and adults will be held January 25th and 26th. Fr. John Campoli, IVDei a healing priest is our retreat director. Children are welcome while their parents are on retreat. There is no cost for the retreat, but we do need to know numbers for a meal count so please sign up by Wednesday January 23th using the registration form in the pews and at the doors, these can be placed in the collection basket. Or call the parish office or register on the parish website.
As we prepare for the parish Gala on May 4th I am happy to report that Bishop Rueger, Fr. Ray Goodwin, Msgr. John Doran, Fr. Dennis O’Brien and Fr. Tom Laundry are all planning on being our guests. They have served our parish well, and it will be wonderful to have them join us as Bishop McManus consecrates our new altar. Please be sure to get your tickets for the event. The planning committee is trying to make sure that people are sitting with people they know so you are encouraged to sign up early so that table arrangements can be made.