In Proverbs 29:18 we read “Where there is no vision the people perish!”
When seven of us attended the Divine Renovation workshop last June at St. Mary’s in Uxbridge, the question was asked: What is your parish, Vison? Well, we have a Mission Statement: “Making and becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ, inviting all to follow Christ!” We worked hard in creating our mission statement several years ago. But the question was asked in a different way; “What is God’s vision for your parish?” That certainly is a much different question that our Mission Statement answers.
As I mentioned before, a few of us worked through the process of praying our Vision Statement into reality. What is God’s vision for our faith community. Here is what we heard:
“Enabling all to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ!”
Often, we take our relationship with God for granted. We sometimes have more of a relationship with the church or parish community and that is enough. We like the people we are worshiping with, but sometimes have no relationship with the God we worship. I know that my relationship with Jesus Christ is far different from when I was going to “Catechism” and has developed increasingly over the years. As I read my past journals as a younger priest, I was more interested in “doing the mission” rather than deepening my relationship with Jesus Christ and encouraging others to do the same.
As I shared with you about my recent retreat in May, I had a total breakthrough in understanding faith in Jesus Christ. The seeds for that happening were planted during the Alpha Pilot I participated in during the weeks leading up to my annual retreat. The ground of my faith was made fertile through that journey. I realized that God had more work to do in me even at 72 years old! Imagine that! I realize that our vision as a parish community is to give everyone the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. That includes me! We continue to invite and hold up the vision and the opportunity for all of us to grow. I encourage you to join the Alpha program in September. To register for Alpha visit the homepage of our website -
On another note, I received word from Father Claude Elysee, the pastor of our twin parish St. Gerard’s in Haiti. He has been transferred to another parish in Sucrerie Henry. Father Benoit Tulce, the new pastor of St. Gerard’s will be installed August 18th. Sadly because of the political situation in Haiti, we were never able to visit with Fr. Elysee, nor invite him to visit us. My prayer is that we will have that opportunity with Fr. Tulce. Fr. Bill