We are live streaming the Triduum Services each night at 7:30 P.M. Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. I wish to thank everyone who came forward to assist with these services. Because most of these volunteers are involved in ministry every one of these evenings, I will ask you to celebrate this Easter Sunday by watching the Easter Vigil if you did not join us Saturday night or can live stream Bishop McManus at the cathedral at 10AM -
https://worcesterdiocese.org/holy-week-livestreams, so that those who have so graciously have given their time all week can spend Easter Sunday with their families.
I wish to thank the many people who made donations toward the Easter flowers. We did not purchase flowers this year because there would be less than ten of us in the church, nor are we publishing a list of those memorial donations. Rather, when we finally can gather as a community, we will hold a grand celebration and have a delayed “Easter” and celebrate! Sometime in the future we will celebrate first Eucharist, Confirmation and the sacraments of initiation for our RCIA candidates, Lilla MacDonald, Stephen Foley and John Walek.
Easter has traditionally been a time for families to gather and break bread together to celebrate the gift of our faith in the Resurrected Jesus. This year we need to be creative in the ways we celebrate as we gather “from a distance.” I know that I can’t wait to see everyone again, yet at the same time your wonderful comments on Facebook, that Pam reads to me each day, and your e-mails, text messages with words of affirmation, appreciation and encouragement are greatly appreciated.
This Easter Season, I am very thankful to all of you who donated all the funds not just to renovate our church, but the investment in the technology so that we can project the readings, music, videos, and more; along with the ability to live stream Mass as we have every Sunday for the last several years. Your generosity and willingness to invest in our parish future has made that all possible.
We will continue to livestream Sunday Mass at 8:30 A.M. and believe me, when we can finally gather in our commo- union as The Catholic Community of Sacred Heart, I am sure we will all be thrilled out of our socks!