As we continue our Lenten journey, allowing God as potter to shape us and mold us more and more into the image of Jesus the son; and as we rise to the occasion joining in the Annual Partners in Charity Appeal, our Pastoral Planning Team seeks to continue to grow our vibrant faith community.
Even though the needs and the desires of the thirteen members present at our monthly February meeting are varied, there is a deep desire to best serve the needs of our Sacred Heart Catholic Community. We grapple with how we can best create an atmosphere of intimacy as a faith community, how we can grow deeper in our faith, and make a difference beyond the boundaries of our campus. How can we instill faith life in our youth and young adults and grow as a multi-generational-life-long learning faith community? That’s what we are called to do as a Catholic Community.
We have talked about the weekend Mass schedule, the importance of faith formation, and the great opportunity to get to know each other during Coffee and. It is important to share our faith stories in order to grow as disciples, how to be welcoming to all as a Catholic Community, and getting the story of our “good-news” out there so that others will participate.
I have always believed that we need to “allow those we are planning for to be involved in the planning process.” We are looking for ways to gather and collect your wisdom. Some options include a parish wide survey; seeking the input from those in the pews, and those who are registered but do not worship with us. Maybe an “annual town meeting” where we gather together and talk with one another on the issues of concern to our Catholic Community. How about a suggestion box?
The desire to grow our Catholic Community is deeply imbedded in the hearts of all who gather at this leadership table. I ask your prayers of us as we grapple with the very issues all Catholic Communities struggle to keep faith communities alive and vibrant in a world that often times puts faith and community life on the back burner.
We are doing so very many things right here at Sacred Heart. I am pleased that we are not sitting back on our successes and relaxing, but challenging ourselves to grow into the community God is calling us to be! If you have any wisdom to share with us, please do. In the meantime, we will certainly work at inviting all of you to be involved in the planning process.