What a wonderful time I had at the parish fair last Saturday. I was just amazed at all those who were attending the fair, those who came to shop, the vendors and all those who volunteered weeks in advance, the day of and the cleanup crew that all worked so well together. It wasn’t just a fund raiser, it was a “fun” raiser and a community builder.
The young helpers and the “old faithful” worked like a well-oiled machine. One of the teens told me how “cool” the older adults are and was glad to be working with them. Everyone was so polite to those who needed assistance with their walkers and wheelchairs, holding doors, bringing food to tables and helping people carry their purchases to cars.
I had a chance to speak with all the vendors, and many of them have come to our fair for years. Several mentioned they have the most fun and always feel welcome at our church. We even had three men who were venders this year, proud to share their talents with the community.
Of course, being the pastor, many visitors came over to speak with me. I lost count of how many people said, “What a wonderful parish you have here!” Yes, we have a wonderful community supporting one another and working well together. Several said, “I wish I lived closer, I would love to be a part of this!” “This” is every week! The community building goes on during Alpha, Men of Hope, Faith Formation, coffee and conversation, in the sacristy and every time we gather for worship. It is powerful to see, and sometimes we may take it for granted. It’s nice to have visitors remind us of what we have and who and whose we are!
A thank you to all who are so dedicated week after week, involved in ministries and outreach here on our campus, and through the many service opportunities that spring from being followers of Jesus Christ. Fr. Bill