Dear Fellow Parishioners, I appreciate the feedback I have received from answering the questions concerning Legacy of Hope. It was also nice that people felt comfortable at both Masses to ask questions. I did check out the “matching grants that Donna asked about, and YES matching grants apply also to this capital campaign.
This weekend June 5-6 is Commitment weekend. I wish to thank everyone who has participated so far. As of this moment we have $122,580.00 pledged from 45 donors. With 100% participation from all our active families we should certainly be able to meet our target, $345,199.00. With the parish share of $138.080.00 we will be able to create our new entryway to the church and parish center that will be accessible to all.
In prayerfully considering my four-year pledge I took into account that my number one priority is my monthly offering to the parish, second my annual commitment to Partners in Charity, and third my commitment to support the other charities that I have supported over the years, for example our Haiti Mission, the food pantry etc. With those commitments in mind I was then able to consider what I can subtract from my “play money” so that I can make a generous pledge to Legacy of Hope.
I am asking you to please bring your pledge card to Mass with you this weekend or make your pledge securely online at:; or mail it directly into the diocese. We will have additional pledge cards and envelopes in the pews if you need them. With this being the last capital campaign for a long time my hope is that we can wrap this one up as soon as possible.
Thank you also for the feedback of allowing social distancing for those who feel safer doing so. It is our goal to do everything we possibly can to keep everyone healthy, safe and sane as we enter into this new phase of the pandemic.