Be Open! And what a challenge that call is for us as we are faced with that which we have planned as a parish, that which the Diocese expects of us, and along comes the coronavirus, aka Covid-19. It helps me to step back and look at what is happening; to put some order and perspective to what is happening. Here are my thoughts. I hope this perspective helps.
I have no control over a virus, but we have been using flu precautions at Mass since mid-January. We are taking extra caution in ridding our gathering space from bacteria week to week by disinfecting all the door handles, (which Joe does all year long anyway), and now are disinfecting the pew backs where we place our hands. I again remind all of you, if you are sick, please stay home. We live-stream the 8:30 AM Mass, so you won’t miss the message if you are under the weather. I will continue to greet people after Mass, and then wash my hands before getting ready for the next event; as I already do before the coronavirus arrived.
Second, we are trying to finish meeting our goal for Partners in Charity. As of this Wednesday, we have reached 80% of our goal. Only $8,560.00 more to go. If you have not submitted your pledge, please do so. If you have not contributed in the past, please consider donating as no gift is too small or large to assist in the works of ministry, education, and charity in our Diocese.
Third, eighteen members of our community have agreed to work together to assist in the diocesan Legacy of Hope Campaign. Our efforts will begin this weekend, with our first information session to be held March 30
th. Let’s work together and do the best we can. Keep in mind our giving priorities are weekly/monthly income to the parish, Partners in Charity and Legacy of Hope in that order.
Finally, we sent a survey that I am asking all of you to participate in regarding our Parish Synod. It will be held in the fall; September, October, and November. For those of you whom we do not have e-mail addresses, we will make hard copies available in the church. Please take the time to let us know when you are most available to share your wisdom with the community by taking this survey.
Be respective and all will be well. Let’s make sure we are open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we continue to be a vibrant parish!