Dear Fellow Parishioners, There are many parishioners who regularly attended weekly Mass before the pandemic who may want to receive communion each week. We would be willing to provide them with Ministers of Care. To request a Minister of care please call the office and we will take down your contact information and make arrangement for you to receive the Body of Christ. Again, I am encouraging those who are able to come after either of the weekend Masses to receive communion. If you are concerned about numbers at the weekend Masses, consider joining us for weekday Masses where there are less people. To provide communion to those who are high risk, I am asking younger members in our community to consider being a Minister of Care. This role has changed due to the pandemic, no longer are “pastoral visits” made to homes. The Minister of Care wears a mask as do those receiving communion. Communion is shared with as little contact as possible. We want everyone to stay healthy and safe. If you are interested in being a Minister of Care, please call the office and let us know your contact information. Currently we can receive 110 people per Mass meeting the state and Diocesan requirements for social distancing. We have ample room for people to attend Mass with the two Masses offered at this time. As we approach the Fall, I am going to continue with the summer schedule, Mass Saturday at 4:00 P.M. and Sunday at 9:30 A.M. If the need arises, we will adjust the schedule to meet our needs. We have a scheduling challenge right now with those who are available to be greeters, ushers, readers, etc. You may notice that we have only a few who are available to assist. So, if you are interested in jumping into a ministry don’t wait till stewardship renewal in October to begin, call the office and we will be happy to share the ministries with the community at large. As we head into fall, we normally have nominations for at-large positions of the Pastoral Planning Team. So, let the self-nomination and nomination process begin. We have one adult and two high school youth positions open. We will be focusing on how we are community in a very different way in the months and years ahead. Want to add your wisdom to that conversation? Let your interest be known to the office by September 25th. We “meet” (Zoom meetings presently) the 4th Monday of each month from 7:00-9:00 P.M. Fr. Bill