We hold our annual parish retreat in January, and in the evaluations after each retreat we invite anyone in attendance to join our Retreat Planning Team for the following year. Ten parishioners have met several times to begin planning our 2019 retreat. I am encouraging everyone to put the dates in your calendar now so you are able to attend. We will gather for supper at 6:00 P.M. on Friday January 25th and our first session - get a good night’s rest at home and then re-gather on Saturday morning at 8:30 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. for the remainder of our retreat. The theme for the retreat is “Lighting our Spiritual Fire.” I am sharing this with you now, so that you will set the time aside for your spiritual growth and development. Take the time to grow your faith! You are worth it.
I will be making my annual Priest Retreat beginning this Sunday, May 13th at 4:00 P.M. to Friday 2:00 P.M. May 18th. Our retreat is at Miramar Retreat Center in Duxbury, MA. The retreat will be guided by Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P. As priests we were informed of the dates in September of 2017, so that we could mark the time away. Making appointments to “retreat” and deepen our spiritual journey is important if we are serious about our relationship with the Lord.
Vacation Bible School is also an extended “retreat time” for our young people. What a better way to get in the habit of setting aside time to grow with the Lord? I am so happy we are having VBS here at Sacred Heart. As Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator, Tara Corcoran brings lots of energy and enthusiasm to the young people of our parish and encourages us to all grow as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. I am encouraging all families with children K-6 and to register for “Shipwrecked Vacation Bible School” to be held August 13 to 17th. Jr high, high schoolers and adults are also needed to volunteer. We will need all hands on deck! It’s never too early to start to “retreat!”
I would appreciate your prayers for me and my brother priests as we “retreat” this week ahead.