Dear Catholic Community,
This Easter Season we are looking at the Christian community forming in the early church through the Acts of the Apostles. Last week I shared with you the many hands that are involved in preparing for Holy Week. There are many hands and voices involved in the “Five Pillars” of community life. All five areas are crucial to the functioning of our Catholic Community here at Sacred Heart. All five areas are equally important so I will present them in alphabetical order.
Community Engagement: Welcoming and including the community in Discipleship. Bill York is the convener of the group; joined by: Sharon Elsemiller, Alison and Brenda Fishlock, Christine Gaffney, Paula Malloy, Todd Miller, Bill Parent and Janet Saravara.
Faith Formation, provides formation experiences for all ages is gathered by Karen Barrett and Tara Corcoran assisted by Jess Allen, Tina Buckley, Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Grant Gosselin, Dee Russell and Judy Soares.
Operations is responsible for maintaining infrastructure and finances to make this Catholic Community a special place; conveners Rob Russell, Jeff Cote, Rob Callahan, Larry Bonetti, Dave Barber, Tony Claro, Ed Lavalette and Darleen Page.
Stewardship: identify and cultivate community time, talent and treasure: Conveners: Ernie Chaplin and Paul Loughlin and including Matt Smith, Ed Babinski and Ted Malloy
Worship: provides spiritual experiences for all: Conveners; Jana Loughlin and Pam Chaplin along with Martha Gosselin, Deb Hodgens, Sue Beckvold, Rachel Largey and Trish Parent
Every second Monday of the month these five ministry teams gather in the Parish Center for “Parish Life Night”. Each team meets with their individual agendas and then we gather together for prayer and reports from each team. The reports from each team are essential in order that we can work together as a Catholic Community. After each report there is an opportunity to ask clarifying questions, seek assistance and share wisdom so that we are all working together for the good of the parish. All of our meetings are open to everyone in the parish, and if you have an interest in any of the five pillars of community life please come and join us at Parish Life Night. Feel free to contact any of the conveners to get more involved.
Our Pastoral Planning team sets the direction for our parish as a whole and is made up of the conveners of each of the five ministry teams, and two at-large adult members and two at-large high school members. At large positions are open in June and we will invite you to self-nominate, and nominate others for these servant-leaders’ positions.
As of today, we have surpassed our Partners in Charity goal of $43,200.00. We have $48,341.00 Pledged! I wish to thank you all for doing your part is supporting the ministry, educational, and charity works of our Diocese.
Happy Easter Season,
Fr. Bill