Dear Fellow Parishioners,
It’s already the Second Sunday of Advent. The Church gives us a whole season to prepare for Christmas. Advent can be a wonderful experience, especially when we don’t overly complicate it, BUT we need to prepare intentionally. Here are my “Do’s and “Don’ts” for your consideration:
Last week, we celebrated funerals for five parishioners and Fr. Bill will be celebrating the funeral of his sister-in-law Marie this Tuesday. As we head into the holiday season, I wanted to share my thoughts on grief and the holidays.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
What a wonderful time I had at the parish fair last Saturday. I was just amazed at all those who were attending the fair, those who came to shop, the vendors and all those who volunteered weeks in advance, the day of and the cleanup crew that all worked so well together. It wasn’t just a fund raiser, it was a “fun” raiser and a community builder.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Our Fall Alpha Journey came to a close on Monday evening. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and so our journey is just the beginning. There are all sorts of possibilities that lie ahead for each of us who made the journey. We don’t know where the Holy Spirit is leading us, but I feel we have a better idea of how to listen to the urgings of the Spirit. We want to respond to the movement of the Spirit in our personal lives as well for the future of our parish.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
In December of 2022 I reported to you that the radiant heating system pipes in the cement floor began leaking in several places. The system served us well for fifty-seven years. It was ideal because it only provided heat eight feet from the floor, and we weren’t heating the air into the rafters. We needed to seek a temporary heating system until a permanent system could be designed.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
In the seminary we had a disciplined schedule of prayer, work and study. Our lives were dictated by the bells that told us when we were to change classes, go to the chapel for morning prayer, Mass, evening prayer, holy hour, meals and even recreation. Sort of like boot camp for those familiar with military training.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
We are in the midst of our annual Stewardship Renewal. For some who are active in sharing their time, talent, and treasure this is a renewal; for others it will be the first time in making a commitment to our parish community. Still, for others who were active in ministry in prior times it is an invitation to recommit their service to the community at large. The more who come forward to serve in ministry makes it easier for all those involved to share the ministry load.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
In today’s fast-paced world, we often feel disconnected and overwhelmed. We are constantly looking for meaning and purpose in our lives. Anyone that has taken the opportunity to watch the TV series “The Chosen” can’t help but notice how the disciples are trying to figure Jesus out while looking for their meaning and purpose. It is clear, even in Jesus’ time, that there is no way we can grow in our faith in isolation. Living in community with dialogue and discussion are the true ways we come to be disciples (students) of Jesus Christ.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Hopefully by now you have received your Stewardship invitation in the mail and have been prayerfully considering your commitment to The Catholic Community of Sacred Heart. I am not sure what
happened to our ability to make commitments to one another, but it seems that since Covid-19 some are reluctant to walk together in ministry and support of our parish community.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
I’m back and well rested. Because I had a bout with Covid-19, many have questions: How are you feeling? How was your trip? Did you take lots of pictures? Are you glad to be back?
Dear Parish Family:
On September 18th, Cardinal Sean O’Malley addressed the attendees at the Celebration of Priesthood. He challenged the audience, “To build a Civilization of Love.” To this end, Mother Church moves to heal and grow through her support of her devoted sons in the Priesthood. This celebration far exceeded their goal of $2,500,000, approaching almost $3 Million to help support the Priesthood in the Archdiocese of Boston.
Dear Parish Family:
I have been working at Sacred Heart and with Fr. Bill since 2003. Over the course of those years, I have heard the majority of Fr Bill's homilies - either at weekend Masses, holy days, or funerals. Week after week, I have listened to poignant messages that have touched my heart. This past weekend was no exception. In fact, I believe that this homily was in my top ten.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
As I read about Pope Francis’ journey to Asia and Oceania, I am amazed at how he is vigorous and energetic in his willingness to travel and bring the “good news” to all parts of the world at 87 years old. He has difficulty walking and has no problem being seen wheeled in his chair. What a wonderful attitude toward aging.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
During Lent of this past year, I extended an invitation to join the Alpha Pilot for our parish. Twelve of us made the journey together sharing meals each Monday evening over a twelve-week period. This was the formation of the Alpha Team for our community. We worked together all summer long and invited you to join us on the Alpha journey to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and our community of faith.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Every Labor Day, our family, along with invited friends, went to Rocky Point Park for food and amusement rides as a last “treat” before school started the following Wednesday. We were loaded into the “beach wagon” and I mean loaded. It was the days when there were no seat belts, no car seats, and we were packed in like sardines. The songs blaring over the loudspeakers were memorable, “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy says of summer!” “Ramblin’ Rose” and of course, “Summertime, Summertime!” On the way home all the kids were fast asleep.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Deepening and growing our faith is a lifetime commitment. There is never a vacation from our vocation as Disciples of Jesus Christ. I wish to encourage you all to make sure that you are on the faith journey. I often equate our faith journey with walking the Road to Emmaus. When the disciples finally recognize Jesus in the “breaking of the bread” they recall the discussion about their faith with these words; “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way?” When we share our faith and faith questions, we help each other grow.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
In Proverbs 29:18 we read “Where there is no vision the people perish!”
When seven of us attended the Divine Renovation workshop last June at St. Mary’s in Uxbridge, the question was asked: What is your parish, Vison? Well, we have a Mission Statement: “Making and becoming Disciples of Jesus Christ, inviting all to follow Christ!” We worked hard in creating our mission statement several years ago. But the question was asked in a different way; “What is God’s vision for your parish?” That certainly is a much different question that our Mission Statement answers.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Each year, during the summer months we welcome a missionary speaker from a third world country seeking support for their missionary work. I have been a missionary speaker during the seven years I was in Haiti. I was welcomed by many parishes in our Diocese who to this day are still supporting a parish in the Diocese of Les Cayes, Haiti. We continue to support St. Gerard’s Parish in Haiti over these past 20+ years.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Friday at breakfast with family and friends I overheard someone at another table as I was walking out say, “I wish it was November 6th and all this political turmoil is over, and we can just move on with life!” Of course, there are some commentators who are saying that we may not know the results on November 6th or that the Supreme Court may need to decide the election results.
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
What a wild and wonderful journey this week as all ages assembled for Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Because of Covid-19, it’s been five long years since our last VBS week. How great to be able to start up again. It is an adventure to walk through the hallways into the parish center and into the church. The Scuba theme decorations and diving into a deep relationship with God surrounds. So many hours of work, creativity and energy were on display. I wish everyone could see the talent shared throughout the week.