The Formation Ministry develops intergenerational opportunities so that all parish members might come to know and love the God who calls us. Utilizing the “ONE CHURCH, ONE MESSAGE” model, learning is life-long, inclusive of all ages and abilities, and occurring in multiple environments. Ways to get involved:
RCIA is the process by which adults become Catholic, receive sacraments they missed as a child, or return to the Church. Team members and sponsors are needed to provide education, hospitality, support and facilitation at gatherings and to guide catechumens on their journey toward a fuller practice of their Faith.
Becoming Disciples classes for grades 6-8 are held after the Sunday 9:30AM Mass. Faith formation topics are associated with the Sunday readings and the homily series. All lessons and materials are provided. Adult facilitators are needed to lead the classes that are held from September to May.
Formed Around the Tables is our Mass program during the 4PM (Saturday) and 9:30AM (Sunday) Masses for children in grades 2-5. Kids are invited to their own space where they hear the readings and a message designed just for them, consistent with the adult series. Leaders begin Mass with everyone, leave for Formed Around the Tables and return after the Prayers of the Faithful. Leader guide and at home work are provided each week.
Intro to Church Leader & Assistant
Intro to Church is offered for children Ages 3 through Grade 1. This simulated church experience begins with the children processing into Cherub's Corner and returning to Mass during the Lamb of God. Leaders and Assistants (Adults & Teens welcome!) spend time with the children as they participate in their unique worship experience that includes crafts and activities that reinforce the weekend message. Lesson and materials are provided each week. .
Members of this team are responsible for defining learning goals and strategies for parishioners of Sacred Heart of all ages. This team strives to create opportunities to nurture and encourage a healthy and active faith life.
Members of the Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage preparation teams assist those who are interested in the reception of a sacrament to discern their readiness. Each year, volunteers are needed to identify candidates’ readiness, facilitate preparation sessions, and prepare candidates to celebrate the Sacrament during the liturgies with the faith community.
Facilitators are responsible for creating an intimate, casual, and safe environment for six to ten group members. Facilitators are good listeners, welcoming, and focused on providing the opportunity for real, meaningful connection with Father/Son/Spirit, other members, and themselves. Facilitator training and materials are provided.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a special, high energy week in the summer designed for children, age 4 (by July 31st) - grade 5 to explore Bible stories through crafts, storytelling, games, snacks and more.