We understand that people are at different places on their faith journeys BUT also
The fee for Faith Formation is $80 per child prior to September 1st. After September 1st, the fee is $100 per child.
To register for Faith Formation classes, grades pre-K-8, follow this link. If you aren't already registered on MyOwnChurch, you will have to register before registering for classes. Once you submit your registration you will see a Pay Now button that will bring you to our online payment provider. Here you can sign into your account, create a new account or choice Quick Give for a one time Faith Formation payment.
**Please note that registration for First Reconciliation Prep and First Eucharist Prep is separate from Faith Formation.
To Register your child for First Reconciliation Prep and First Eucharist Prep follow this link.
To Register your child for Confirmation Prep follow this link.