What a wonderful Holy Week here at Sacred Heart. Even though it was April school vacation, we came together as a Catholic Community of faith to celebrate in ritual and sacrament the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection. Everything moved like clockwork as everyone pooled their ministry skills together to assist us in the “work of the people” liturgy. I know it is not wise to list names of people who assist with each and every task because there is the danger of forgetting someone important. I will not do that; however, I want to thank everyone who is there, not just during Holy Week, but all year long, functioning in ministry.
In full force throughout the week were all our music ministers, greeters, ushers, altar servers, readers of the Word, Ministers of Holy Communion; decorating team, linen ladies, and extras who helped clean the oil vessels and the pascal candle stand who rose to the occasion. Our projector bulb died on Good Friday (how appropriate) and with one phone call a member of the operations team had it replaced and up and running for the Easter Vigil.
What no one sees or realizes is that all these things don’t just happen; there are many rehearsals behind the scenes before we arrive for any of the Holy Week Services. I wish to thank all those people who take the time to make sure everyone knows where they are supposed to be and what they need to be doing so everything runs smoothly in praise of God. Music rehearsals and getting people together when everyone works full time is a challenge. It is wonderful to witness how flexible and accommodating they are with their time. How very fortunate we are as a community that so many are desirous of working together.
With all that was going on with Holy Week, all our hospital ministers continued to visit the Hospital, and I went to Country Side as usual and was on hospital duty. Everyone received communion in their home both Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, and all the children in Faith Formation had a special session on Palm Sunday through the dedication of our Faith Formation Catechists. Everyone participated fully to make these events sacred and meaningful for all. It was wonderful to see our Confirmandi present at the Holy Week Services, deepening their understanding of our Catholic Faith.
As Catholics we have 50 days to celebrate the Easter Season. May we all celebrate well the wonderful gift of eternal life, and the vibrant community that points the way and accompanies us on the journey.