Deepening and growing our faith is a lifetime commitment. There is never a vacation from our vocation as Disciples of Jesus Christ. I wish to encourage you all to make sure that you are on the faith journey. I often equate our faith journey with walking the Road to Emmaus. When the disciples finally recognize Jesus in the “breaking of the bread” they recall the discussion about their faith with these words; “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way?” When we share our faith and faith questions, we help each other grow.This weekend Ernie Chaplin and Jon Marshall will invite the men of our parish to join the “Men of Hope” journey through “That Man is You.” We are entering into the fifth year of our journey together.
• Registration for Faith Formation for our young people is essential. At Baptism parents make a promise to raise their children in our Catholic Faith. This not only includes “Keeping Holy the Sabbath Day” by attending Mass each weekend, but also registering them for age-appropriate faith formation that deepens their understanding of our faith as Catholics.
• Alpha begins on September 9th. The seeds have been planted. What kind of soil are you offering for this opportunity?
• We have one adult three-year position of the Pastoral Planning Team and Two one-year youth positions. Self-nomination, and nominations by others who have checked with those being nominated are accepted.
• Finally, it was a privilege receive Bishop Siby with us this weekend to share the needs of the Diocese of Aitape. If you have contributed to this mission, thank you so much. If you have not, please help. Donations can be put in the collection basket or mailed to the office indicating “Mission” on the envelope and memo line. Currently, we have collected over $2,000.00 to assist their mission work.
School starts this week, so we will have a special blessing for all those students, teachers, staff, administrators, and support staff this weekend at each Mass. Here’s hoping all had a wonderful summer vacation and are ready to begin a faith and knowledge-filled year.