We continue this Christmas Season as we gather for the feast of the Holy Family. I pray that your Christmas Season is relaxed, safe and filled with all the hopes and dreams you have held in your heart. Our celebration continues, as we gather on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to honor Mary as the Mother of God and celebrate Word Day of Peace. On the Feast of Epiphany, we hear the story of the wise men and their journey of faith, which parallels to our own. To close the Christmas Season, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.
As we close this year of 2018, I invite you to join us for Mass New Year’s Eve at 6:00 P.M. At this Mass as well as the 10:00 A.M. Mass New Year’s Day, I will invite all in attendance to receive the “Sacrament of Healing.” No one should enter the New Year broken in any way, and so this anointing is for healing in body, mind and spirit. The challenges of this past year may have caused some of us to stumble and fall, become disheartened, broken in spirit, failing health, depression, or even a desire to just lose hope and give up. We come together in a spirit of prayer seeking the healing touch of Christ in all these areas of life.
As is our tradition, following the 6:00 P.M. New Year’s Eve Mass I invite you to bring the last of your Christmas Cookies over to the parish house (do not, repeat, do not bake more cookies for this event; if you have none left come and help finish those others still have) and let’s toast the new year with a glass of champagne or sparkling cider if you prefer.
May we take the time to reflect on each of the events during this Christmas Season, and enjoy the blessings of Peace to people of Good Will!