Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Over the years parishioners have asked about the I.V.Dei after my name. It stands for Institute Voluntas Dei (Latin for God’s Will); a secular institute made up of priests, married couples and single men and women who follow a specific spirituality called “The Three Fives.” The institute is world-wide and we have a group who meet here in Massachusetts called the Bay State Team. Each of the Teams meet monthly for formation into the Institute and spiritual growth and development.
I bring this to your attention because the Bay State Team is hosting a Voluntas Dei Day of Recollection. It is an opportunity for people here in the area to find out about the Institute; meet members of the Bay State Team; and join us for a day of spiritual growth and reflection.
The Day of Recollection will be held on Saturday November 4th here in The Fr. Reilly Center from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Our Presenter is Dr. Vincent Lynch from Boston College. Topic is: “Healing the hole, becoming Whole!” People are like Swiss cheese, with several holes (and the rest cheese). This day will help people look past the holes and focus on the cheese, and even help them strategize how to build bridges across the holes.
The cost for the day is $25.00 per individual and $45.00 per couple. You need to register with me by October 20th. This is a good chance to find out if the Institute and Voluntas spirituality may be for you and strengthen your journey of faith. You can get more details about the institute at our website: Or if you prefer to talk with one of our local team members feel free to talk with Pam and Ernie Chaplin, Sue and Mike Conciatori, Karen and Kevin Barrett, Rob and Gina Russell; and me of course.
On another note, a sincere thanks to all who donated to Hurricane Harvey Relief; we received more than $5,000.00 to assist in this effort. This weekend September 30/October 1 we will hold a second collection for those needing assistance after Hurricane Irma.
Fr. Bill