Many things are being accomplished around the parish even during these Covid-19 times of social distancing. There is always a danger in thanking people by name because we may forget someone; and others may have taken care of projects, simply did it quietly and under the radar. To all those who have been assisting with projects and continue committee and teamwork from a distance, thank you so very much.
A huge project was completed in moving the transformer from parish property, so the upkeep is no longer our responsibility. This $30,000.00 project cost the parish $6,000.00 due to the pooled efforts of several parishioners, specifically Tony Claro, Bill Parent, Todd Miller, Rob Russell, Margee Roessler, Jeff Ross, Aaron Buckley, Brendan Perry, and Bob Maconochie.
A shout out to Greg Ballan who took care of renovations to the candle room so that we can have a safe place for ministers and social distance at the same time. Our Holy Oils arrived from the Cathedral. Carol Kilcourse cleaned the oil stocks and vessels, which is a tough task and got them ready for the new oils, in time for Confirmation! Thank you to Paula Cerulli who has come forward to knit prayer shawls for parishioners who are in critical health situations.
Our push mower (needed to do the hill on the left side of the church) conked out. We put a call our to see if anyone had a mower to donate and we got two! Thank you to Rick Marcoux and Donna and Steve Levy. I was looking for a crate for Stella and received two! Thank you to the Siefrings and Lenarts. I picked up Stella, and she came with her own crate! So, a dilemma, do I get two more puppies? Thank you to Kiera Seaver for a beautiful painting of Lady Marie and Maggie on slate to place over their graves in my back yard. Thank you to whoever put the dog bones in the collection basket, too. Stella says Yum!
Every time we put out a call, everyone is so willing to step forward. We do have a need for additional people to live stream our Masses. Only two know how to do that right now, so if you are comfortable with computers and software please consider helping in this ministry. We also need people to assist with AV ministry, advancing the PowerPoint slides during Mass.
To all who work behind the scenes in ministry happen, thank you so very much. May we continue be the vibrant community God calls us to be.