Dear Fellow Parishioners, I received a call from Bill Manguso, the son of Tom Manguso who lost his balance in the parking lot before Mass last Sunday. He wanted to thank everyone who came to the rescue when his dad fell. He didn’t know the names of everyone who helped, but told me someone called 911, a nurse came to help, someone took off their coat to cushion his head. Everyone just pitched in to help. A sincere thank you from Bill to all. A song comes to mind, “They’ll know we are Christians by our Love!” Thank you everyone! Another shout out to all those who came Saturday morning to take down the creche. It has been a challenge to take it down with the snow. Todd Miller said there were twelve adults who helped, and it is put away for another year. Easter Sunday is March 31st, I was beginning to think we might have to call it the empty tomb. Fortunately, the snow held off! We still may have a white Easter! We are having a Chili-Cook-Off on Saturday February 10th. It will be our Mardi-Gras celebration and an opportunity to raise funds for Our Twin Parish, St. Gerard’s in Haiti. That weekend we again be inviting you to assist in the support of our brothers and sisters at St. Gerard’s and their two chapels. Tickets for Chili tasting is $10.00 per person or $25.00 per family and will be on sale this weekend after all the Masses. On Monday evenings during Lent, beginning February 19th at 6:30 P.M. we are going to pilot the Alpha program. It will begin with a meal at 6:30 followed by a brief film to kick off discussion and then there will be table discussion until 8:30 no later than 8:45. If you are looking to deepen your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, this may be for you. If you would like to join the pilot, please contact the office no later than Ash Wednesday February 14th. To find out more about Alpha go to › catholic-context.