Our Fall Alpha Journey came to a close on Monday evening. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and so our journey is just the beginning. There are all sorts of possibilities that lie ahead for each of us who made the journey. We don’t know where the Holy Spirit is leading us, but I feel we have a better idea of how to listen to the urgings of the Spirit. We want to respond to the movement of the Spirit in our personal lives as well for the future of our parish.
Over 40 people from our parish community gathered for Alpha to share our faith stories, deepen our relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit and deepen our relationship with one another. Our gatherings often reminded me of the Road to Emmaus, where each time we gathered we came to recognize Jesus present in one another “in the breaking of the bread!” (Lk. 24-35)
I am personally paying attention to the urgings of the Holy Spirit as we move forward as a faith community. I realize as Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” Matt. 9:37. At the same time I know the Holy Spirit doesn’t ask us to do anything that we are unequipped to do. So, I am counting on all of you to listen to what and where the Spirit is calling and leading you.
Covid-19 has changed the way we live and move as individuals and certainly as a faith community. Several members of the Pastoral Planning Team are gathering with me to listen to the ways the Holy Spirit is transforming our parish from maintenance to mission. Often, we want things “to get back to normal.” The Holy Spirit never calls us to move back but always compels us to move forward. May we walk in faith to a future guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. More to come after the leadership team holds their next meeting.
I with to thank all the members of the Alpha Team who were so faithful week after week to the Alpha Journey. I thank all those who have come forward to walk as a team for the next Alpha journey. In the meantime, hopefully you are considering joining the next Alpha journey. Fr. Bill