Dear Fellow Parishioners, The words of John the Baptist call us to repentance and the forgiveness of sins. As we do every Advent, we invite all to our Advent Reconciliation Service. Due to Covid-19 we are being very careful and a little creative with our service. We will gather around a firepit in front of the church for our service to be held Monday December 21st at 7:00 P.M. I am inviting everyone to reflect on the one or two items for which you are seeking forgiveness. Write them on a slip of paper. During the service each one will have an opportunity to hand that slip to me, I will read it, toss it into the firepit and absolve you of your sins. We will all be wearing masks and social distancing.
Our Finance Team has been diligent in cutting expenses where we can and keeping us on target in meeting expenses. I wish to thank all those who have started on-line giving and those who mail in their donations so that we can continue our mission as the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart. This has been a wonderful testimony of your generosity and love for our parish. Christmas this year will be much different in our homes and also here at church. The normal crowds for Christmas Eve and Day assist us financially adding approximately $4,000.00 in income. That will not happen this year and will impact our budget. I am asking that you please consider a Christmas gift to the parish to assist us in preventing a budget shortfall. I know we are all trying to make ends meet during this pandemic. Please do what you can; everyone’s contributions are necessary and important to our vitality and presence here in Hopedale.
There are still some spaces in the church for both the 4:00 P.M. Christmas Eve Mass and the 9:30 Christmas morning Mass. Reservations are necessary, see Pam or Tina after Mass, or call the parish office. The Church will open thirty minutes prior to Mass times. Both Masses will be live streamed and those watching with their families at home are encouraged to head on down to the church to receive communion at Christmas. Enter the front doors and exit the side doors for necessary one-way traffic.
Thank you to everyone who has been attending Mass since we opened in May. You have been wonderful in wearing masks and social distancing and following instructions from the ushers and me. Your cooperation has helped us provide a safe and healthy environment for prayer and praise.