Dear Fellow Parishioners, ISOLATION! We are social beings and covid-19 has prevented us from being together and connecting with other people. I am personally missing my Zumba buddies and my theater friends who gather each month for dinner and a show at the Hanover theater. Others have mentioned bridge clubs, Weight Watcher meetings, athletic clubs, and so much more.
Again, I wish to invite the men of the parish to consider joining “That Man is You” (TMIY) with other men of the parish and surrounding area churches. At your leisure during the week, you will watch a 30-minute presentation, and then gather virtually on Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 8:00AM to discuss and consider the presentation content. The Zoom gathering is 30 minutes. This is an opportunity to connect, deepen our faith and connect in this time of isolation. The 13-week Fall topic is Leadership. Steve Bollman, a layman provides insight, faith teachings and science in many cases to provide much food for thought. To get connected e-mail Ernie Chaplin at [email protected].
Several women have mentioned that they are concerned about isolation and their significant other. Feel free to contact Ernie, and he or another member of the leadership team will be happy to extend a persona invitation to your spouse.
Our Pastoral Planning Team (PPT) is the decision-making body of the parish. Each year at this time we say good-bye to those whose terms are completed and those who have been nominated to serve in the year(s) ahead. We wish to thank the youth who have completed their one-year term: Casey Goyette (who served two years), Emily Hagan, and Gabe Bean (who has indicated his desire to serve an additional year.) Kathy Byrne has completed her three year at-large Adult term. A thank you to them for sharing their insights and wisdom at each of our monthly meetings. Joining us as youth representatives for the year ahead is Anna Dykhoff and Jake Russell; Karen Daige will be coming aboard for a three-year at-large adult position. As we journey together as PPT we will be looking at “Being church in a new way.” We will be seeking your wisdom as a faith community to add to the discussion and share future direction as we move into the months and years ahead.
Fr. Bill
PS. ATTENTION MEN! Please consider investing one hour a week – from the comfort of your own home – and at no cost. Increase faith and fellowship - decrease stress and isolation!