Hopefully by now you have received your Stewardship invitation in the mail and have been prayerfully considering your commitment to The Catholic Community of Sacred Heart. I am not sure what happened to our ability to make commitments to one another, but it seems that since Covid-19 some are reluctant to walk together in ministry and support of our parish community.
I do not wish to look through a rearview mirror but want to look to the future with hope in our willingness to share our gifts, skills and talents with each other as a community of faith. On the inside cover of the catalogue, you will see the list of ministries where we need the most help. If enough ministers step forward for each ministry, you would be scheduled just once per month. The ministry schedule is created with each family’s schedule in mind as not to conflict with family schedules.
For each ministry, there are ministry leaders who will train new ministers for that particular ministry. We are in this together and want everyone to feel they are a valuable part of the community. As we prepare for Mass in the sacristy it is wonderful to have ministers who are not on the schedule to poke their heads in and say, “If you need any help, I am here and would love to assist if needed.”
As with any faith community we have financial responsibilities to pay utilities, payroll, campus upkeep, Diocesan support, etc. All these expenses are clearly outlined on the commitment card. I am asking us all to make a financial commitment to the operation of our parish. How sad it is when surrounding parishes have to close their doors because parishioners are unwilling or unable to meet their financial, ministry, and worship commitments to one another. To all of you who continue to be faithfully involved in sharing your time, talent and treasure, I thank you so much for your commitment to our community. To those who have not yet made a commitment, please prayerfully consider how to share your gifts with the community so that Sacred Heart continues to have vitality and independence as a Roman Catholic Church in Hopedale!