Dear Fellow Parishioners, For the last 15 years or so, October has been Stewardship month here in our community. With so many building malfunctions these past two months we have gotten a little behind, and don’t want to become a big behind!!! So sometime this week or early next week you should be receiving your Stewardship renewal materials in the mail. I am asking each household to prayerfully consider their gifts of time, talent, and treasure to our community as we move forward in the weeks, and months ahead. Several have asked when we will have altar servers back, music ministry and more. We are waiting for the return of your family commitment cards to begin training and organizing all our ministries. There are several young people who want to be altar servers, and I am excited about their enthusiasm. Gerald Maurais is ready to train them for service. This ministry is open to anyone who has made their First Communion, male and female, however no one older than 95 is allowed to serve! When your materials arrive, please allow, and encourage everyone to consider a ministry so that there are many hands to take up responsibilities in our community and allowing us all to meet new people. This is the best way to make our community strong and support each other in life’s journey and challenges, because we know each other from rubbing elbows as fellow companions on the faith journey. It is time to “Rethink Church” and your role. Please jump in, get involved and let’s be the people God calls us to be as the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart. Happy All Saints Day and have a happy and safe Halloween.