Dear Fellow Parishioners, Mail-in ballots and in-person voting are all in the news these days. The bottom line is that we all need to practice our civic duty and vote, no matter how we do it. The same is true for all members of the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. We need to know that we are on this faith journey together and will activate our Catholic GPS.
You will be receiving the Stewardship Renewal packet in the mail. Please take the time to read it carefully and make your intentions known as to what you will GIVE to our community, how you will PRAY for and with the community; and how you will join us in SERVING our community and the community at large.
Just as it is important to practice our civil duty and responsibility during this presidential election; it is important for our future as a Catholic Community to hear from all our members. In your packet there is a card to fill out and return to the office for processing. So, you can show your support by mail. Commitment Weekend is October 24-25, you can bring your card to Mass then and show your support in person. And, for those who are tech-savvy you can fill in your support for Sacred Heart online by using this link:
These are challenging times for all faith communities throughout the United States. As we witness many restaurants and businesses folding during this pandemic, so too only those vibrant faith communities will remain. I am counting on all of us to pool our time, talent and treasure to keep the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart, the vibrant community we were before the pandemic, during this pandemic, and up and running as a faith in the many years ahead. Bottom line activate your Catholic GPS!