Dear Fellow Parishioners, On Service Sunday, Pam asked each of us to reflect on three questions and take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory for your age level. The three questions are pertinent to offering ourselves to the community at large: What do you think are your gifts? What do others think your gifts are? What do you or your family “have” to give? These inventories go hand in hand with stewardship commitment. It takes a willingness to step out in faith and make a commitment to follow through when offering our time, talent, and treasure to make our community the vibrant faith community God calls us to be. I have asked you all to take the time to look at the Stewardship Catalogue and bring your questions to Mass this weekend regarding any ministry you wish to know more about. Every one of us has something to contribute to the functioning of our faith community. When we step forward to serve in parish ministries, we come to know one another better and truly become community. It isn’t just about getting tasks done. It’s about taking time to come together, work alongside one another and build a community that provides for one another and seeks to make the world a better place. If you aren’t sure where you want to help, share with us the results of your gifts inventory and we can suggest an area that could benefit from your gifts. I keep harkening back to the faith communities in the Blackstone Valley that recently closed their doors. They each had debts, and few parishioners willing to share in the ministries of the parish. Covid 19 has caused many in our community to step back and become inactive in ministry. If that trend continues, we will be in the same situation as those who closed their doors. Covid 19 is far from over, but we need to step up to the plate and serve each other as a community of faith. You see, we are all “front-line workers” when it comes to being a faith community.
Fr. Bill To access the inventories for all ages—use this link.