Dear Fellow Parishioners, We are a Sacramental People, and that is certainly brought home as we celebrate those making their Second Sacrament of Initiation by receiving their First Communion. This weekend through the Rite of Sending-we pray for and send forth those who are completing their Initiation into our Catholic faith who will be confirmed by Bishop McManus at St. Gabriel’s parish this Thursday May 4th. As we celebrate these commitments to our faith and the nourishment of Eucharist and the power of God’s Holy Spirit, I am reminded that there are some adults in our community that may not have completed their three initiation sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. There are some that may be worshipping with us who are not Catholic and may be interested in becoming Catholic. Some couples may have been married civilly but have not received the Sacrament of Marriage. No matter what your circumstances may be, now is the time to step forward and receive the grace of the sacraments. Deacon Tom and I are happy to assist those desirous of seeking sacramental grace. Everyone has a different schedule and a different story. We try to accommodate everyone where they are at within the framework of our Catholic faith. Please feel free to talk with either one of us and we can answer any questions and concerns you may have. We are all on different places on the spiritual journey and want to support and encourage everyone in anyway we can. We are a Sacramental People and wish to celebrate your gift of faith as we grow in our understanding and commitment as pilgrim people. If you or someone you know is seeking to grow deeper in our sacramental life, please invite them to step forward. Let’s support each other on the journey of faith. Happy Easter, Fr. Bill