Dear Fellow Parishioners, This weekend we continue our journey through the Sacraments as we grow in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing. How appropriate it is that the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession or Penance for the pre-Vatican II people) and the Sacrament of the Sick (Last rites or Extreme Unction again for the pre-Vatican II crowd) are called Sacraments of Healing. As Deacon Tom was preaching this weekend on Holy Orders and Matrimony, I was thinking of those people who have been wounded in relationships and those who may have been abused by a person of the church or some other organization where trust has been broken. Healing is so very necessary for all of us; yet at the same time we are reluctant to take advantage of the opportunities these two Sacraments can bring to us. I will unpack the meaning of the two Sacraments this weekend, but also want to field any questions you may have regarding these two Sacraments. In the meantime, I have several questions I would like to know the answers to myself. When was the last time you received a Sacrament healing? Has it been a long time? Is fear holding you back? Have you had a poor experience of any of the Sacraments? If so, I would be happy to help you understand more fully the power of the grace that comes through the sacraments. Sacramental signs are powerful. All our senses come into play as we ritualize the presence of the healing, nourishing, forgiving, confirming, uplifting power that comes to us through sacramental signs and symbols. I have often wondered how I could possibly make it through the challenges of life without the gift of Faith and the blessings that come through the Sacraments and Sacramentals of our Catholic Faith. My prayer is that during this review of the Sacraments we may be reminded of the powerful gift of our faith.