Dear Fellow Parishioners,
I believe you know that I am proud to be Catholic! I know for example during Hurricane Harvey that the Catholic Charities Office in each of the 194 Catholic Dioceses in the US were immediately at work assisting on the ground with aide relief in Texas and seeking how they could further assist those in need. When there is a disaster in any country Catholic Relief Services (CRS) established throughout the world is on the ground to assist in relief efforts. Our education system is worldwide as is our health care systems. All these are in response to the gospel; feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, instructing the ignorant, being the hands of Christ. Are we perfect? Far from it, we are a church of sinners not Saints, but constantly growing in our ability to show the lover and mercy of God. It is with this pride, that I encourage others to join us in our Catholic Faith.
Each year at this time we begin inviting those who are looking to celebrate sacraments after the age of seven years of age to join the Right of Christian Initiation of Adults, referred to by the acronym RCIA. If you are older than 7 and would like to be baptized, or were baptized in another faith tradition and would like to be Catholic, or have graduated from high school and would like to be confirmed, then RCIA is for you.
I know there are several adults who faithfully attend Mass with their spouse and come forward for a blessing. I am pleased that they are here and wordship with us. I would encourage them to join us fully in our Catholic faith.
If you are interested in the Sacramental life of the church, please see me for more detail as Jeff Cote and his team prepare for this journey of faith! You will be proud you did!
Fr. Bill